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CRM(Client Relationship Management)

Venturing into the world of CRM is like opening a treasure chest of customer connections! CRM, or Customer Relationship Management, is the secret ingredient to orchestrating seamless interactions with both your current and potential customers. It's akin to having a reliable personal assistant who keeps a watchful eye on all the important details.

[✓] What is CRM?

Alright, let's delve deeper into this CRM wonder! CRM, or Customer Relationship Management, is your special sauce for handling all your dealings with customers and potential customers. It's like having a trusty personal assistant who keeps track of all the crucial information.

[✓] Why CRM is important?

Picture having a buddy who not only remembers your birthday but also knows your go-to pizza topping and your peanut allergy. That's the level of attention to detail CRM brings to businesses. It's akin to having a memory bank filled with vital customer info. This not only amps up customer satisfaction but also guarantees they will keep coming back for more. It's a win-win!

[✓] What does a CRM software do?

Well, it's like a turbo-charged organizer for customer info. It's not just about storing data it's about making it work for you. You can track interactions, juggle sales opportunities, keep tabs on service records, and even fine-tune your marketing strategies. It's a game-changer for keeping everything in shipshape and ensuring no valuable detail slips through the cracks.

[✓] Who is a CRM system for?

Let's get one thing straight - a CRM system is for anyone dealing with customers, and let's face it, that's pretty much every business out there! Whether you are running a snug café that knows everyone's morning brew or a tech giant handling clients on a global scale, a CRM system is poised to be your best bud in maintaining those rock-solid customer connections.

[✓] What is a cloud-based CRM system?

Alright, time to elevate CRM to the next level! A cloud-based CRM system takes all that powerful CRM magic and nests it securely in the cloud. And no, we are not talking about the fluffy white kind – we are talking about ultra-secure online servers. This means you can access your customer info from anywhere, anytime. It's like having your entire business right in your pocket, primed and ready to rock and roll whenever you need it! Embrace the power of CRM and revolutionize how you connect with your customers. With CRM by your side, you are equipped to deliver personalized experiences, streamline operations, and drive business growth.

CRM packages include

Contact CRM

  1. Manage the Contacts

    Includes contact records, including creating and deleting, merging duplicates, and sharing contacts with others.

  2. Set Up Contacts

    Add basic contact features such as sharing rules and hierarchies to organise it better.

  3. Contacts to Multiple Accounts

    People often work with more than one company. A business owner might own more than one company or a consultant might work on behalf of multiple organizations. Relate a single contact to multiple accounts so you can easily track the relationships between people and businesses without creating duplicate records.

  4. Contact Roles

    Contact roles specify the part that each contact plays in an account, case, contract, or opportunity. When you use contact roles, your sales team always knows who to contact and when.

  5. Opportunity Contact Roles

    Opportunity contact roles specify the part that each contact plays in a deal. When you use and customize opportunity contact roles, your sales team knows who to contact and when.

Client CRM

  1. Sharing Rules and Hierarchies:

    You can set up rules and hierarchies to control who can access and edit client information. This can be helpful for managing large or complex client accounts.

  2. Multiple Accounts:

    A contact can be associated with multiple client accounts. This is useful for tracking relationships between people and businesses.

  3. Contact Roles:

    You can assign roles to contacts within a client account (e.g., decision-maker, influencer, technical contact). This can help your sales team target the right people with the right messages.

  4. Opportunity Contact Roles:

    You can also assign roles to contacts within specific sales opportunities. This can help your sales team track who is involved in each deal and at what stage.

Supplier CRM

  1. Basic Information

    Whether you are concerned with customers or suppliers, you need easy access to the basics such as main contact names and their telephone/email details, company data for invoicing and tax purposes and due diligence information. The latter might have some variations between customer and supplier data. For example, credit checks for customers and quality management verification for suppliers.

  2. Supply Agreements

    Any business transaction involves the supply of goods or services in exchange for some remuneration. Both parties need to have absolute clarity on the what, where, when and how much of these transactions. This information might be in the form of a frame agreement for regular provision of goods and services, or one-off purchase orders.

  3. Quality Management

    Supply chain issues happen from time to time. If you are the supplier, these can expose you to the risk of losing your customer, facing some sort of claim, suffering reputational damage or all three. If you are the customer in a B2B relationship, the consequences can be equally severe if the problem affects your ability to meet your own customers’ expectations. The point is supply chain issues can hurt all parties and benefit nobody. Both CRM and SRM incorporate checks, aud it's and scorecards to monitor performance and alert all parties to any issues with minimal delay. This mitigates the potential consequences by allowing the parties to take early corrective action.

Never miss out on a follow-up

Schedule calls, meetings, mailings, or quotations, and TXP automatically plans the next activity based on your sales script.

Sales Lead Management

Free Lead Management & Tracking Software

  1. Centralize lead management to boost conversions.

  2. Get full context on every lead.

  3. Automatically score and prioritize leads.

  4. Segment and nurture leads with data.

  5. Streamline your lead management process.

Here's how CRM can help you

  • Get a 360-degree view of your business.
  • Track important sales and marketing opportunities.
  • Quickly see your next-best actions.
  • Increase your lead-to-deal conversion rates.
  • Take your business with you everywhere, on your time.


Improvement in lead conversion rates.


Revenue increase per salesperson.


Improvement in customer retention.


Shorter sales cycles.


Decreased sales and marketing costs.